Product Catalog

What is the ScanPay Catalog feature?

With the ScanPay Catalog, you can create a list of items (for products and services) that you offer, service charges (like emergency or rush fees), and taxes that you have to collect.

Your team can then quickly add them to your invoices as needed, saving you time and ensuring that your invoices are accurate and consistent.

How to create taxes in the catalog?

Go to the Catalog section - in the left-hand navigation bar on the web and in the team settings menu when you click the top left menu button.

Go to Taxes and select “Create”

Fill in the required fields -

1) Name

2) Tax rate (in %)

3) Apply Tax to Items - Choose between 2 options -

  • All items - This option automatically adds this tax to all current and future items created.
  • Select items - This option allows you to select the individual items this tax rate will apply to. You can also add it to one-time items you create while creating an invoice.

4) Apply Tax to Service charges - Choose between 2 options -

  1. All service charges - This option automatically adds this tax to all current and future service charges created.
  2. Select service charges - This option allows you to select the individual service charges this tax rate will apply to. You can also add it to any one-time service charges you create while creating an invoice.

Click on Save

How to create service charges in the catalog?

Go to the Catalog section - in the left-hand navigation bar on the web and in the team settings menu when you click the top left menu button.

Go to Service Charges page and select “Create”

Fill in the required fields -

  1. Name
  2. Amount - You choose to add a flat amount ($) or a percent (%). If you choose a percent (%), then it will be applied to your invoice’s sub-total.
  3. Taxes - Choose the taxes to be applied by default on this item subtotal

Click on Save

How to create items in the catalog?

Go to the Catalog section - in the left-hand navigation bar on the web and in the team settings menu when you click the top left menu button.

Go to Items and select “Create”

Then, fill in the required fields -

  1. Item Name
  2. Category - Adding an item to a category will help you find it more easily when creating an invoice.
  3. Unit price
  4. Taxes - Choose the taxes to be applied by default on this item.
  5. Description - Enter a brief description of the item. You can always modify it on individual invoices.
  6. SKU (optional) - Add an identifier to help you connect this item to your own records

Click on Save

How can I add items from the ScanPay Catalog to an invoice?

To add an item when creating or editing an invoice on ScanPay web:

  1. On create or edit invoice screen, Click on Add from Catalog
  2. Search for or select the item you want to add from the list.
  3. You can edit the price, quantity, description, and even the applied taxes.
  4. When you are satisfied, click Save.

To add an item when creating or editing an invoice on ScanPay mobile app:

  1. On the generate invoice or the edit invoice screen, click on Add line item button.
  2. Search for or select the item you want to add from the list.
  3. You can edit the price, quantity, description, and even the applied taxes.
  4. When you are satisfied, click Save.

Tip: you can always edit a line item after you’ve added it as well.

Can I edit or delete items from my ScanPay Catalog?

Yes, you can edit or delete items from your ScanPay Catalog at any time.

Simply navigate to the Catalog tab in the Invoicing section of your account and select the item you want to edit or delete.

This makes it easy to keep your catalog up-to-date and accurate.

Can I create categories to organize my ScanPay Catalog?

Yes, you can create categories to organize your ScanPay Catalog.

This makes it easier to find the items you need when adding them to your invoices.

For example, you could create categories for different types of services you offer, or categories for products from different suppliers.