Getting Started

Why does my application need additional review?

Sometimes we’ll need to do another quick review to confirm information, such as your address if you’ve recently moved.

But don’t worry, we’ll have someone reviewing your information and your application should move forward in 1-2 business days.

Why do I have to share my Social Security Number (SSN)?

We take your security seriously. Your personal information is always encrypted as soon as you enter it in our app. It is only used for verification purposes as required by law and not shared or sold to any third parties.

What should I do in case of any issues or confusions?

If there’s a problem with a transaction or payout, feel free to reach out to us at

My profession does not appear in the list of professions. What should I do?

Please don’t lose heart!

While most of the professions have been listed, there is an odd-chance that a profession may have been missed out.

You can select the ‘Other’ option in the drop-down list and continue the application.

I have submitted all documents for verification. After how much time can I start using the ScanPay app?

You are excited to start using ScanPay, and so are we to have you!

We take pride in our speed of evaluating applications. However, as a security-first financial technology company, we take utmost care in screening applications for fraud.

Once you submit your application, you will receive our reply within 24 working hours.

I do not have an online presence. Can I still use the ScanPay app?

Having an active online presence lends credibility to your business. It helps establish your identity and speeds up the process of verification.

You can share a link of your business website, presence on yellow pages/yelp or verified page on Instagram/Facebook.

However, don’t lose heart if you don’t have one. We will check your other submissions and then approve your application if all information is found appropriate.

I do not have a legal business structure. Can I signup for ScanPay?

Absolutely. We would love to have you onboard.

After entering your mobile number and completing your OTP verification, a set of basic questions will be asked as part of the verification process.

One of the questions would be - ‘What’s your company structure?’.

If you don’t have a legal business structure, select ‘sole proprietorship’ and continue the application.

I am not getting an OTP or verification code. What should I do?

We have partnered with the the most reliable SMS and verification code provider in the US. Ideally, you should receive a code within seconds.

However, in the rare case that you do not receive a text message, you can do two things -

1. Wait for 60sec and the ‘Resend OTP’ link will get activated. Click on the link and we will send you another text message with the verification code.

2. If you are still not receiving the OTP, chances are that you are in a low-network area at that point or there is some issue with your mobile network.

We would have to request you to either try logging in a different place or wait for some time in that case.

How do I signup and start using ScanPay?

Getting started is quick and easy.

1. Download the ScanPay mobile app from App Store or Google Play.

2. Enter your mobile number, and verify it with OTP.

3. Go through a few basic checks to prove that you have a legit business.

Bingo! Sign-up is complete, and you are now ready to accept payments.

Do you check my credit history?


We don’t do a credit check. We just need to verify your identity to open your ScanPay account.

Can I sign up using my email id?

No. As of now, you can register and signup for ScanPay through your mobile number only.

However, after signing up, you can set a password in the ‘Help’ section of your mobile app. After you do that, you can sign-in by entering your password as well.