
What is a dispute?

A dispute (or a chargeback) occurs when a customer questions or challenges a transaction with their bank or payment provider. The bank creates a formal dispute with ScanPay and reclaims the payment amount, pending investigation and resolution.

What happens if I don't respond to a dispute?

If you do not respond to a dispute, the payment will be reversed and the funds will be returned to the customer. You will also be charged a dispute fee, which is a fee charged by the payment processor for handling the dispute. You should respond to disputes as soon as possible to avoid the dispute fee and ensure that the dispute is resolved fairly.

What happens if the dispute is resolved in favor of the customer?

If the dispute is resolved in favor of the customer, the payment will be reversed and the funds will be returned to the customer. You will also be charged a dispute fee. You should provide evidence to support your case to avoid losing the payment and being charged the dispute fee.

What evidence do I need to provide if I am challenging a dispute?

The evidence required will depend on the nature of the dispute. You should provide any relevant documentation that supports your case. For example, if the dispute reason is that the customer did not authorize the payment, you may provide evidence that the customer agreed to the payment, such as a signed contract or email confirmation. You should provide as much evidence as possible to support your response.

For more information, check out Best practices for submitting evidence to challenge a dispute

How will I know when there is a dispute?

You can view all of your disputes by going to Disputes. On the mobile app, you can find it by opening the team menu on the top left of your home screen. On the web, you can find Disputes under the “Receipts” section. We’ll also send you notifications through email and mobile whenever a new dispute comes up.

How long does the dispute resolution process take?

The length of the dispute resolution process can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the response time of the parties involved. ScanPay will work to resolve disputes as quickly as possible. Generally, the process can take anywhere from 40-90 days.

How long do I have to respond to a dispute?

You have a limited amount of time to respond to a dispute. The exact timeframe will be provided for each dispute. You should respond as soon as possible to ensure that the dispute is resolved quickly.

How can I respond to a dispute?

You can respond to a dispute on the app or web version. You will be prompted to provide evidence to support your response. The evidence may include any relevant documentation, such as invoices, receipts, or shipping information. You should carefully review the dispute reason and provide evidence to address the customer's concerns. If you does not respond within the given timeframe, the payment will be reversed, and the funds will be returned to the customer.

For more information, check out How to respond to a dispute?

Can I prevent disputes from happening?

You can take steps to prevent disputes by providing clear and accurate information about your products or services, responding promptly to customer inquiries or complaints, and ensuring that all refunds or returns are processed in a timely manner.

You should also ensure that your payment policies are clear and that customers understand the payment process.

For more information, check out 10 best practices to accept digital payments and prevent a dispute